More『700 份的感謝,不僅是來自領取物資的柬埔寨民眾,也來自提供及發放的台灣志工,感謝柬國民眾接受這微薄之物資(一包米加一頂蚊帳)及台灣人民的善意。雖然物資只是一時,感謝的記憶卻是一輩子。正因為彼此都懷有感謝之情,才更令人感動。』這是來自參與希望之芽協會秋季義診團的志工所寫道。
More“I had a stressful dream last night. A long queue of children was waiting for me to direct them to different medical stations,” Joey, a recent Canadian graduate, expressed himself in the sharing session on the last day of the medical aid in Cambodia. As a non-medical volunteer in the group, I could not agree more about the psychological, physical, and emotional stress building up over the 7 day volunteer work with the medical aid team. However, such labor has planted an irreplaceable memory and a valuable lesson for humanity deep down and in.