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🌱 Let love become waves around this beautiful summer. 🌱

Let's join hands and step onto different lands, experiencing the unique charm of some corners of Cambodia.

Throughout the medical mission, we not only walk hand in hand with local villagers but also explore alongside our volunteer companions through the rich historical and cultural heritage of Cambodia. Here, everyone is a messenger of care, and each participation is a beacon of hope.

Now is the time to show your love and courage towards the world! 

We enthusiastically recruit all volunteers to join us!

Seize the brilliance of this summer, click the registration link below🔗 , pick up your bags, fulfill yourself, and illuminate others.

💫 Click the registration link below to bring warmth and care to the world together!💫

【Register Now】

#國際義診 #FreeMedicalService #國際志工 #愛無國界 #Recruiting #VolunteerRecruiting
#GlobalVolunteer #LoveKnowsNoBoundaries #柬埔寨 #Cambodia #高棉古國 # Khmer #翻轉人生 #LifeChanging #貧窮 #Poverty #人道援助 #HumanitarianAid #支持 #Support #希望 #Hope
#台灣希望之芽協會 #FBHO
