

農業生計園區計畫 Agriculture Livelihood Program

農業生計園區計畫 Agriculture Livelihood Program

我,每月捐款700元,讓參與【菇農家戶脫貧計劃】的貧童家庭學習種菇技術與儲蓄觀念,讓每月收入增加、改善經濟,協會更透過【農業生計園區】,提供完善農業技術與銷售培訓,讓更多的家庭能參與計劃習得一技之長,自給自足,改善生活。 Donation of 700 dollar per month allows poor family who joined “Poverty Reduction-Mushroom Cultivation Program” to escape poverty. Providing them the skill to cultivate mushroom to boost their income. We provide technical and vocational training in agriculture and business, to support them to be financially independent and to have a better quality of life.
